News list for " clearbridge"

ClearBridge: The market is ready for the Fed to cut interest rates by more than 250 basis points by the end of 2025

Josh Jamner, an investment strategist at asset manager ClearBridge Investments, said today's CPI report will disappoint the short-term bond market as the market is already bracing for the Fed to cut interest rates by more than 250 basis points by the end of 2025. He said today's less favorable news won't stop the Fed from starting to normalize interest rate policy next week, but it could cause it to reframe the debate. Further signs suggest inflation may be more stubborn than previously thought,...

2024-09-11 13:41:37

资产管理公司 ClearBridge Investments 投资策略分析师 Josh Jamner 表示,今天的 CPI 报告将让短期债券市场失望,因为市场已经为截至 2025 年底美联储将降息 250 个基点以上做好了准备。他表示,今天不太有利的消息不会阻止美联储下周开始正常化利率政策,但这可能会导致其重新框定这场辩论。进一步的迹象表明,通胀可能比之前认为的更加顽固,这可能会导致一个更慢、幅度...

2024-09-11 13:41:37